Price 2023 / Tarif 2023

2 People + Car + Pitch
April*/May/June July/August Sept
€18 €24 €18
3 People + Car + Pitch
April*/May/June July/August Sept
€23 €29 €23
4 People + Car + Pitch
April*/May/June July/August Sept
€28 €34 €28
April*/May/June July/August Sept
€6 €6 €6

Above prices are for one marked pitch.

*APRIL (Enquire for opening date:

Extra Charge (per day)
1 Person 5.00 / Personne Plus €5.00
1 Dog €3.00/  Chien €3.00
2nd Car (on same pitch) 5.00
1 Car / Voiture(on ½ pitch) 10.00
1 Trailer (on ½ pitch) €5.00    Remorque 5.00€
Car & Trailer (on one pitch) 20.00
Taxe Sejour  (per person, per day) 0.20

Caravans / Motorhomes (without overnight booking)
Cassette + Water DRAINAGE, Plus Fresh Water Refill 10.00

Bureau Horaires  09:00  a 20.00  Dernier Entree! 
Fermeture Portail Voiture

Residents    22.00 

Departure of Campsite
11:00 AM  /  Check Out

Twin-axle vehicles – Please inquire before your arrival, due to the limited number of places/ V